SONG: Countdown (Duke) Ten. That's how many fingers I was born with man. Nine. That's how many lame songs use dumb number themes. Eight. That's how old I was when I lost my fourth tooth. Seven. That's a creepy number and it's Biblical. Six. That would be a really good name for a girl. Five. That's how many months till college rescues me. Four. That's how many people are in Naked Jane. Three. That is all it takes for a menage a tois. Two. That's how many albums went multi-platinum in 1965, and they were both Beatles albums, and that's great, but I don't really think the Beatles were so amazing, although Briggs seems to think that they hung the moon, whatever that outdated little expression is supposed to mean; I learned it from my mom. The expression, not the bit about the Beatles. I don't think my mom knows who the Beatles are. One. That's a U2 song that really rocks the house.